Appointment Interactive API List

Service Authentication :

POST Get Appointment Details By ID /v1/api/Appointment/GetApptDetail/

Description: Get appointment details for supplied Appointment ID.

Request Information

Parameter Type Value Required Description
APPTID Integer Required Appointment identification number
INCLUDEAPPTCODES boolean Optional To Include Codes Attached to Appointments

POST Get Appointment List Of 30 Days /v1/api/Appointment/ListAppts/

Description: Gets appointment List with supplied Practice Group ID for 30 days.
All Dates with Time values will be returned in Local Time, in result set.

Request Information

Parameter Type Value Required Description
OID Integer Required Office identification number

(JSON url: /v1/api/SetUp/OfficeList/)

PAGEINDEX Integer Required Page Number
INCLUDEAPPTCODES boolean Optional To Include Codes Attached to Appointments
FROMDATE Date Optional Date (MM/DD/YYYY) default to today
FROMTIME Time Optional Time (HH:MM) in 24 hr format
TODATE Date Optional Date (MM/DD/YYYY) default to 30 days from today
TOTIME Time Optional Time (HH:MM) in 24 hr format

POST Is Appointment Valid /v1/api/Appointment/IsApptValid/

Description: Gets appointment Status with Appointment ID.

Request Information

Parameter Type Value Required Description
APPTID Integer Required Appointment identification number

POST Is Appointment List Valid /v1/api/Appointment/IsApptListValid/

Description: Gets appointment Status with Appointment ID List. Maximum 50 Appointment IDs are allowed.

Request Information

Parameter Type Value Required Description
APPTID Integer Required Comma-separated Appointment identification numbers
(Example: 3500,3600,3700)

POST Set Appointment Confirmation date /v1/api/Appointment/ConfirmApptDate/

Description: Set appointment Confirmation for supplied Appointment ID.

Request Information

Parameter Type Value Required Description
APPTID Integer Required Appointment identification number
Date Date Required Appointment Confirmation Date

POSTAppointNow - Get available appointment /v1/api/Appointment/GetAvailableSchedule/

Description: Api call to get available AppointNow appointments

Request Information

Parameter Type Value Required Description
OID Integer Required Office identification number

(JSON url: /v1/api/SetUp/OfficeList/)

STARTDATE Date Optional Date (MM/DD/YYYY) default to today
ENDDATE Date Optional Date (MM/DD/YYYY) default to 7 days from today
APPTDURATION Interger Optional Appointment duration (# minutes)
WEEKDAYBITPATTERN Integer Optional [Combination string of 1-7 with comma seperation.
1=Sun,…, 7=Sat. Example: "1,2,3,4,5,6,7"]
TIMEREFERENCE String Optional [AM=Morning, PM=Eve, EMPTY=AllDay]
PROVIDERID Integer Optional Provider identification number

(JSON url: /v1/api/SetUp/ProviderList/)

PRODTYPE Integer Required Production Type identification number

(JSON url: /v1/api/SetUp/SchProductionType/)

POST AppointNow - Book appointment slot /v1/api/Appointment/BookAppointmentSlot/

Description: Api call to book AppointNow appointments

Request Information

Parameter Type Value Required Description
OID Integer Required Office identification number

(JSON url: /v1/api/SetUp/ProviderOperatoryList/)

PROVIDERID Integer Required Provider identification number

(JSON url: /v1/api/SetUp/ProviderList/)

OPID Integer Required Operatory identification number

(JSON url: /v1/api/SetUp/OfficeList/)

PRODTYPE Integer Required Production Type identification number

(JSON url: /v1/api/SetUp/SchProductionType/)

APPTDATE Date Required Appointment Date (MM/DD/YYYY)
STARTTIME Time Required Time (HH:MM) in 24 hr format (in 10/15 minute intervals only)
APPTDURATION Interger Required Appointment duration (# minutes, in 10/15 minute intervals only)
ISNEWPATIENT Boolean Required Is New Patient
LASTNAME String Required Patient Last Name
FIRSTNAME String Required Patient First Name
DOB Date Required Patient Birthdate (MM/DD/YYYY)
EMAIL String NP: Required
EP: Optional
Email is Required if the patient is new. If the patient is existing, then its Optional
(NP: New patient, EP: Existing patient)
PHONE Integer NP: Required
EP: Optional
Phone is Required if the patient is new. If the patient is existing, then its Optional. Value will be stored as Home Phone and Cell Phone in Denticon
(NP: New patient, EP: Existing patient)
HAVEINS String Required Patient Last Name
INSNAME String Optional Insurance Name
SUBSCRIBER String Optional Subscriber
SUBSCRIBERID String Optional Subcriber ID
GROUPNO String Optional Insurance group number
CAMPAIGNID String Optional Appointment Campaign ID
NOTETOOFFICE String Optional Notes to Office (maximum 3950 characters)

POST Cancel Appointment /v1/api/Appointment/CancelAppointment/

Description: Api call to cancel appointments

Request Information

Parameter Type Value Required Description
OID Integer Required Office identification number
APPTID Integer Required Appointment identification number
CANCELLATIONCODEID Integer Required Appointment cancellation identification number

(JSON url: /v1/api/SetUp/CancellationCodes/)

CANCELLATIONNOTE String Optional Appointment cancellation note