Patient Registration Interactive API List

Service Authentication :

POST Is Existing Patient /v1/api/PatientRegistration/IsExistingPatient

Description: Checks if Patient is an already existing patient

Request Information

Parameter Type Value Max-Length Required Description
OID Integer 18 Required Office Id
LASTNAME String 50 Required Patient Last name
FIRSTNAME String 50 Required Patient First name
BIRTHDATE (MM/DD/YYYY) DateTime 19 Required Patient Birthdate. Please enter value between January 1, 1900 and June 6, 2079

POST Add Patient Information /v1/api/PatientRegistration/AddPatientInformation

Description: Returns the added Patient Id

Request Information

Parameter Type Value Max-Length Required Description
OID Integer 18 Required Office ID
TITLE String 7 Optional Title of patient
NICKNAME String 20 Optional Nickname refers to patient Preferred Name in Denticon
LASTNAME String 50 Required Last name of patient
FIRSTNAME String 50 Required First name of patient
ADDRESS String 50 Required Address of patient
ADDRESS2 String 50 Optional Address2 of patient
CITY String 50 Required City of patient
STATE String 2 Optional State of patient
ZIPCODE String 9 Required Zip code of patient
EMAIL String 60 Optional Email of patient
BIRTHDATE (MM/DD/YYYY) Date 19 Required Birthdate of patient. Please enter value between January 1, 1900 and June 6, 2079
HEALTHCAREGUARDIANNAME String 50 Optional Healthcare Guardian name
HEALTHCAREGUARDIANPHONENUM String 20 Optional Healthcare Guardian phone number extension
HEALTHCAREGUARDIANEXT String 5 Optional Healthcare Guardian phone number extension
MARITALSTATUS String 1 Optional Marital status of patient
SEX String 1 Required Sex of patient
HOMEPHONENUMBER String 15 Optional Home phone number of patient
WORKPHONENUMBER String 15 Optional Work phone number of patient
CELLPHONENUMBER String 15 Required Cellphone number of patient
DRIVELIC String 20 Optional Driver's license of patient
EMERGENCYCONTACT String 50 Optional Emergency contact of patient
EMERGENCYPHONE String 20 Optional Emergency number of patient
ISSTUDENT Boolean - Optional Whether patient is a student
SSN String 11 Optional Social Security Number of patient
SCHOOLNAME String 60 Optional School name of patient
REFERRALTYPE String 20 Required TypeCode property from the Get Referral Types Operation
(JSON url: /v1/api/SetUp/ReferralTypes/))
REFERREDBY String 30 Optional Who patient was referred by

POST Add Patient Billing Information /v1/api/PatientRegistration/AddPatientBillingInformation

Description: Updates the Patient's billing information based on the PatientId returned by the AddPatientInformation operation

Request Information

Parameter Type Value Max-Length Required Description
OID Integer 18 Required Office Id
TemporaryPatientId Integer 18 Required Patient Id generated by the AddPatientInformation operation
TITLE string 7 Optional Title of patient
NICKNAME string 20 Optional Nickname refers to patient Preferred Name in Denticon
LASTNAME string 50 Required Last name of patient
FIRSTNAME string 50 Required First name of patient
MI string 1 Optional Middle initial of patient
ADDRESS1 string 50 Required Address
ADDRESS2 string 50 Optional Address2
CITY string 50 Required City
STATE string 2 Optional State
ZIPCODE string 9 Required Zipcode
EMAIL string 60 Optional Email
BIRTHDATE (MM/DD/YYYY) Datetime 19 Required Birthdate. Please enter value between January 1, 1900 and June 6, 2079
MARITALSTATUS string 1 Optional Marital Status
SEX string 1 Optional Sex
HOMEPHONENUMBER string 15 Optional Home phone number
WORKPHONENUMBER string 15 Optional Work phone number
CELLPHONENUMBER string 15 Optional Cell phone number
Note: Cell phone is required if ISPATIENTRESPONSIBLEBILLING is false
DRIVELIC string 20 Optional Driver's License
SSN string 11 Optional Social Security Number
ISPATIENTRESPONSIBLEBILLING Boolean - Required If Patient is responsible for billing

POST Add Patient Insurance Information /v1/api/PatientRegistration/AddPatientInsuranceInformation

Description: Updates the Patient's insurance information based on the PatientId returned by the AddPatientInformation operation

Request Information

Parameter Type Value Max-Length Required Description
OID Integer 18 Optional Office Id
InsuranceType Integer - Required

1 - Primary

2 - Secondary

TemporaryPatientId Integer 18 Required Patient Id generated by the AddPatientInformation operation
GROUPNUMBER string 30 Optional Insurance group number
INSURANCENAME string 50 Required Insurance name
INSURANCEPHONE string 20 Optional Insurance phone
EMPLOYERNAME string 50 Optional Employer name
SUBSCIBERFIRSTNAME string 50 Required Subscriber first name
SUBSCRIBERLASTNAME string 50 Required Subscriber last name
SUBSCRIBERADDRESS1 string 50 Optional Subscriber address 1
SUBSCRIBERADDRESS2 string 50 Optional Subscriber address 2
CITY string 50 Optional City
STATE string 2 Optional State
ZIPCODE string 9 Optional Zipcode
RELATIONTOPATIENT string 1 Optional Possible Values:
S = Self
P = Spouse
C = Child
O = Other
N = None
BIRTHDATE (MM/DD/YYYY) Datetime 19 Optional Birthdate Please enter value between January 1, 1900 and June 6, 2079
SUBSCRIBERID string 20 Required SubscriberId

POST Get Medical Alerts /v1/api/PatientRegistration/GetMedicalAlerts

Description: Retreives Medical Alerts by PGID and OID

Request Information

Parameter Type Value Max-Length Required Description
OID Integer 18 Required Office Id

POST Save Medical Alerts /v1/api/PatientRegistration/SaveMedicalAlerts

Description: Saves a collection of Medical Alerts obtained from the GetMedicalAlerts operation.

Request Information

Parameter Type Value Max-Length Required Description
OID Integer 18 Required Office Id
TemporaryPatientId Integer 18 Required Temporary Patient Id generated by the AddPatientInformation operation
MedicalAlerts List[MedicalAlert] Array of medical alert objects obtained from the GetMedicalAlerts operation.
MedicalAlert.QId Integer - Required Question Id from each question generated by the GetMedicalAlerts operation
MedicalAlert.QOrder Integer - Required Order/Position of question. Generated by the GetMedicalAlerts operation
MedicalAlert.Answer String 1024 Required Possible Values:

POST Get Medical/Dental Questionnaires /v1/api/PatientRegistration/GetQuestionnaires?Type={Type}

Description: Retreives Medical or Dental Questionnaires by PGID and OID, based on Type

Request Information

Parameter Type Value Max-Length Required Description
Type Integer - Required 1 = Medical
2 = Dental
OID Integer 18 Required Office Id

POST Save Questionnaires /v1/api/PatientRegistration/SaveQuestionnaires

Description: Saves a collection question answers based on the GetQuestionnaires operation. Questionnaires added to the List[Questionnaire] collection
can be of both type Medical(1) and Dental(2).

Request Information

Parameter Type Value Max-Length Required Description
OID Integer 18 Required Office Id
TemporaryPatientId Integer 18 Required Temporary Patient Id generated by the AddPatientInformation operation
Questionnaires List[Questionnaire] Array of question objects obtained from the GetQuestionnaires operation.
Questionnaire.QId Integer - Required Question Id from each question generated by the GetQuestionnaires operation
Questionnaire.Type Integer - Required 1 = Medical
2 = Dental
Questionnaire.QOrder Integer - Required Order/Position of question. Generated by the GetQuestionnaires operation
Questionnaire.Answer Object 1024 Required Possible Values:
Array of int values if QTYPE is PICKLIST